About Me

Hi all.  I'm Lisa Mains Pintha.  I am a 34 year old fitness enthusiast who loves to help other people become fit and healthy.  I know this kind of sounds like a personal ad, but I guess it is.

I have always been kind of obsessed with my personal appearance, but only in a sense that I have tried to loose weight and stay fit.  I have tried all the diets out there but never really found anything that worked for me.  I wasn't putting everything into it and over the course of about 15 years never saw any lasting results.  After I had my son, Michael, in 2014 I was very overweight and unhappy.  I had gained 35 pounds with the pregnancy and could NOT get it off.  Plus I was breastfeeding so I had to eat extra calories to keep my milk in supply.  I know, most people loose a lot of weight because they are breastfeeding.  Well I guess I'm not most people. Most people also glowing hair, skin and nails while pregnant because of the hormones and prenatals but I was the opposite.  Go figure.

When my son was about 6 months old I was up at the crack of dawn (he never slept) flipping through infomercials and found one for T25.  It is a program designed by Shaun T of Beachbody.  It is a variety of workouts that are only 25 minutes.  I knew that was the program for me.  Who doesn't have 25 minutes?  So I ordered it.

I lost all my baby weight with levels Alpha and Beta.  By the time I went back for my 1 year checkup after birth, I was under my pre-baby weight.  But things still didn't FIT the same.  Every thing had moved and wasn't in the same place as it was before Michael.  So now I needed to tone.  I moved up to level 3 of T25, Gamma, and boy was I in for a surprise.  They were some of the most difficult workouts I have ever done.  I cried the first time I tried Speed 3.0.  But the point is that I did them, over and over and over.  I wouldn't say I have mastered them, but I no longer cry.

My love of fitness led me to coaching.  I signed up as a coach after a year and a half of doing a Beachbody program and having so much success.  I love to coach.  I love knowing that I can help people lose weight, feel better about themselves, gain confidence and love a healthy life as much as I do.  This is a passion for me and it is so rewarding, emotionally, physically and financially.

My other passions include my family, God, reading, teaching Spanish, movies, making wreaths and trying new recipes.  You are going to see a lot of everything on here.  I try to live my life helping others and just being a good person in general, and that has to include taking care of me and my passions.  This is how I accomplish that.

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