Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What YOU Get In A Challenge Group.

I want to clear up a few questions and misconceptions about Challenge Groups.  I get questions and comments daily about what we do in a challenge group.  So here are some basic details

What is a Challenge Group?
These groups have been set up by Beachbody to help people that purchase their products achieve goals.  Having support is one of the most important factors that go into a successful weight loss and fitness plan, right up there with a balanced diet and exercise.  Many people give up because they don't have  good support system.  Challenge Groups provide that.  When you purchase a Beachbody product, you automatically have a coach for life.  That coach is supposed to guide you, support you, and even give you some tough love in order to help you achieve your goals.  I know when I started my fitness journey, I didn't really have anyone to talk to or guide me along the way.  I had so many questions that went unanswered until I discovered Challenge Groups.  So many of them have now become friends and fellow coaches.

Right now, there are two ways of doing Challenge Groups.  The traditional way is through Facebook.  It is a closed group to only participants and coaches so that all of Facebook doesn't see our personal info like photos and weight checks.  There is also a second way we are doing groups now.  Beachbody just released the challenge tracker app for your phone.  It is so simple and easy to use.  You can post anything just like Facebook on a news feed but there is also a spot for logging daily workouts and Shakeology, plus you can update your weight and measurements at any time. 

What kind of support?
ANYTHING!!  And I do mean anything.  Groups are usually done for about 4 weeks.  Everyday you will receive recipes, fitness tip, feedback and other useful information from a group of coaches as well as YOU being responsible for daily check-ins with how your meals went for the day and what workout you did.  They key is to keep you accountable for the commitment you have made.  If you are responsible for telling someone what you ate and if you worked out, you are more likely to watch what you eat and get it done. I have to say that we also discuss personal lives too.  If something is going on in your life that is keeping you from focusing on your health, we talk about that and provide guidance and support as best as we can.

How long do I get to be in a Group?
As many times as you want or feel like you need it.  Once you make this commitment, you have a coach for life and can do as many challenge groups as you want.  I think the most I have had a participant do is 5 straight months, but the amount of weight they lost in those months is phenomenal.  Once participant has lost over 50 pounds and has now become a coach to help and inspire others with her own journey.   Not only does it help you lose the weight, it also helps get you into better routines.  When I was a participant, after just one round of challenge group I was so set in my workout and eating routine that I just kept doing after I was done.  One of the things we do every Monday is retake weights and measurements, so that we can see progress.  I STILL do that.  It keeps me on track and lets me see all the progress I have made not just what the scale says. 

Who are the Coaches?
If you sign up with me, I will be your coach, forever.  In the Challenge Groups, we usually run them as a small group of about 5 coaches.  We help each other and all the challengers.  We coaches support each other just like we support challengers.  We are people just like you.  We are normal, imperfect people that just like to help others achieve their fitness goals.  I am no where even close to perfect and have yet to reach my fitness goals.  But I have a story to tell that proves to people it is possible to achieve goals that seem impossible.  Most coaches that I know and work with are working moms that have balanced their life in order to make time for health and fitness and have found that they like to help people achieve fitness goals while making a little money on the side.  Yes, the coaches are paid by commission but to most, that is only a bonus, where getting to see people achieve goals is the real pay off.  By the end of a challenge group, all the participants fell like my little ducklings, even if I am not their personal coach and I feel a great sense of pride when they reach a goal and are proud of themselves.  It is a really good feeling.

How do I join?
This is actually the easiest part and the hardest part all at the same time.  The easy part is ordering a Beachbody product such as a fitness program or Shakeology. (www.beachbodycoach.com/ljpintha) I can help you decide what program works best for you and your lifestyle and even give you tips and encouragement when you start it.  But  you have to DECIDE to do it.  That is the hard part.  A coach can encourage you to make the decision and can give you all the benefits and justify the investment, but cannot make the decision for you.  For most people, choosing to live a healthy life and give up all the junk and bad habits they have become accustomed to is harder than anything else.  The workouts aren't hard.  They are challenging, yes, but not impossible.  You will not see results if you aren't challenged a bit.  Don't be afraid of a little hard work and it will pay off.

I won't lie.  I cried the first time I did T25 Alpha Cardio.  I was 5 months postpartum and was trying to get back into shape.  I found T25 and tried it because I knew I needed structure in my workout and also something that was not lengthy.  I cried because I realized how out of shape I was.  Then I did Speed 1.0 the next day and it wasn't so bad.  I had to use the modifier a lot but eventually it got easier.  Since I started, I have lost over 20 pounds and I'm still going.  

Challenge groups are key to success.  Very few people can do it alone.  Let me help and you will finally reach your fitness goals. 

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