Wednesday, September 7, 2016

7 Obvious Ways to Make Working Out Fun

When most people think of working out, FUN is definitely not a word that describes it.  It is also because of this reason that many people don't exercise to begin with.   If working out feels too much like a chore, we don't like to do it.  We all have enough chores in our lives to deal with and exercise should NEVER be one of them.  I have found ways to make exercise enjoyable, and once it becomes enjoyable, it is something you want to do everyday and even look forward too. 

So, I have put together a few ways that I think makes exercise more fun and that could help you jump start exercise.  Some of them may even make you forget you are exercising.
  1. Music/Dance:  This one probably already has you saying "duh," but it is the truth.  When we just shake it out and let all the stress go, a great workout really happens.  Dancing can burn so many calories and it doesn't have to be some perfectly choreographed masterpiece.  Just put on a few good songs (see my playlist blog) and she let go.  If you are the type of person that likes things a little more in order, there are programs available that teach you certain dance steps, such as Cize, Country Heat and Turbo Jam
  2. Change it up:  Keeping a workout program fresh and never doing the same thing will keep you from getting bored and also keep you from hitting a plateau or building up muscle resistance.  Not knowing what to expect is exciting. 
    I have seen people use popsicle sticks with a workout on it.  They have 20-30 different sticks and just randomly pull out 5 stick each workout.  There is also the FitDeck that you can buy on, which is similar to the popsicle sticks but is like a deck of cards.  They are available in several platforms, such as stretching, weights, core, cardio,  and even yoga poses.  You can try something like this every day or just one day a week to break up a routine you are already in. 
  3. Grab a friend:  This will not only give you someone to keep pace with but they can also be your coach, critic and insult partner.  Push each other, criticize (nicely) each other and tell them they will continue to be a fatass if they don't get up and get a workout done.  Ok you don't really have to say that but I think you get the point.  Being held accountable for your commitment to fitness will make you more likely to follow through.  No accountability is one of the main reasons why people quit a workout.  Even if you cant find a partner, at least find a coach.
  4. Find a group activity: 
    This can be a class or even a team sport.  There are teams for volleyball and softball all over the place to join in the summer months.  There are even some indoor venues that will do things all year round.  Or find a gym and join a class.  Get several friends together and do it together.  When you commit to a class and a group, especially if you are paying for it, you will be more likely to follow through.  Back to that accountability things.  For anyone that has ever done Zumba knows it is SO much fun, but really, who wants to do that alone?!?!
  5. Change your 'tude:  Having the right attitude can make or break a workout.  Having a bad attitude about fitness will make you hate every workout, no matter what it is.  If you tell yourself that it will be fun and you will do your best, that will happen.  You have to believe that fitness can be fun.
  6. Make it non-traditional:  We, as parents, tend to do a lot of running around, chasing and playing with kids.  Believe it or not, that is exercise. 
    Taking the kids to the playground and being a kid yourself is a great way to get some exercise in and I bet you never thought about it being good for you.  So not only are you spending time with kids, creating memories, and sealing unbreakable bonds, you are also burning some calories.  So get out there and play tag, or baseball or run through the sprinklers.  Being a kid can be good for you in so many ways. 
  7. Reward yourself:   Who says that you cant get a reward for being good just like you did when you were a kid.  Set small goals for yourself on your fitness journey and reward yourself when you hit small goals.  You don't have to focus on the big picture.  Focusing on the smaller accomplishments will keep you wanting more and working toward the next reward.  As long as you avoid rewards being related to food, you can make it just about anything you want.  Get a mani/ped, take yourself to a movie, buy a new book, or new shoes.  Whatever suits you that will actually feel like a reward. 

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