Monday, January 30, 2017

What Is CLEAN Eating?

What is clean eating? 

This term has been heard a lot lately in the health and fitness world but there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding it.  No it is not just another fad diet making the circuit.  Check out this PowerPoint and short video to see what clean eating is all about. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Book Review: You Are A Badass

"Is your fear greater than your faith in the unknown (and yourself)? Or is your faith in the unknown (and yourself) greater than your fear."

Jen Sincero has now become one of my favorite people.  She had SO MUCH to say in this book that really resonated with me.  Maybe it was because she was so blunt and a tad vulgar at times that I really enjoyed her wit.  Most of what she had to say was painfully true about my life and I'm sure about just about everybody's. 

One of my favorite messages she kept throwing in yoru face time and time again was this:  You need to go from wanting to change your life, to deciding to change your life.  How can such a simple message pack so much punch.  This was the basic message she pushed and pushed through the entire book.  You have to DECIDE what you want out of life and go get it.  Wanting something is all mental but deciding to get it is when action takes place. 

Jen says in the beginning of the book that she used to be one of those people that thought all the self help book and seminars and motivational speeches and quotes were just a lame gimic that were nothing more than a money scheme.  I have to say I believed the same thing.  Until she DECIDED that she wanted to do change her life, those things meant nothing to her, and now she is writing books about them for a living. 

"If you want to live a life you've never lived, you have to do something you have never done."  No one can possibly expect their life to suddenly change when they have been doing the same thing every single day.  Something HAS to change in order for change to happen.  Saying that out loud sounds really stupid and the world "duh" should quickly follow.  But even though it is common sense, most people just don't put this all together, or at least do something about.  Often they are too afraid to make the change necessary because it will take them out of their comfort zone. 

"Most people are living in an illusion based on someone else's beliefs"  Holy cow, how true is this?  I had never really stopped to think about how I am living and if I am doing what I am doing because I want to do it or if it is because I think it is what other people want or expect from me.  We spend far too much of our lives worrying about what others will think of it.  We lose sight of what our purpose here is and that we must do what WE want to be happy and stop trying to please everyone because that is impossible anyway.   She dedicated an entire section to the importance of self-love, in a good way, not vanity or narcissism.  She gives sound advice and explanation about the following ways to begin to love yourself
  1. Appreciate how special you are
  2. Drown yourself in affirmations
  3. Do things you love
  4. Find a replacement
  5. Ditch the self-deprecating humor
  6. Let the love in
  7. Don't compare yourself to others
  8. Forgive yourself
  9. Love yourself.
***If you want more explanation on those 9 things then I guess you will have to read the book. ***

Faith is also a huge part of this book and was one of the things I loved the most.  It doesn't necessarily call it religion but rather the BELIEF that there is a higher power or energy that controls everything, some call it religion, but it goes by many other names.  As long as we can tap into that power and channel it into what we want, a name is not important.  The energy is out there and ready and willing for us to use it, as long as we are willing to put our trust in the energy.   She does focus on God a little, but not in a way that would offend anyone or call her a fanatic after reading this.  She does say, however, that once she "decided to give good ole God a chance", she began to feel better about herself, started believing in it and then the shifts started to happen in her life.  I try to have faith and let the Lord take me where he thinks I need to go but it is really hard some days.  Reading about how she didn't even BELIEVE at first and is now TEACHING about the amazing things God can do when you put faith in him revived my own personal faith a little. 

I have probably already spoiled more of this book than I should have.  You really aren't going to get the same affect reading this blog as you would reading the book yourself.  It will speak to everyone differently and if you are looking for something to give you a good kick in the rear to help you turn yoru life around, I HIGHLY suggest this book.  It is like cold water to the face to help you wake up and see the possibilities out there waiting for you. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

7 Obvious Ways to Make Working Out Fun

When most people think of working out, FUN is definitely not a word that describes it.  It is also because of this reason that many people don't exercise to begin with.   If working out feels too much like a chore, we don't like to do it.  We all have enough chores in our lives to deal with and exercise should NEVER be one of them.  I have found ways to make exercise enjoyable, and once it becomes enjoyable, it is something you want to do everyday and even look forward too. 

So, I have put together a few ways that I think makes exercise more fun and that could help you jump start exercise.  Some of them may even make you forget you are exercising.
  1. Music/Dance:  This one probably already has you saying "duh," but it is the truth.  When we just shake it out and let all the stress go, a great workout really happens.  Dancing can burn so many calories and it doesn't have to be some perfectly choreographed masterpiece.  Just put on a few good songs (see my playlist blog) and she let go.  If you are the type of person that likes things a little more in order, there are programs available that teach you certain dance steps, such as Cize, Country Heat and Turbo Jam
  2. Change it up:  Keeping a workout program fresh and never doing the same thing will keep you from getting bored and also keep you from hitting a plateau or building up muscle resistance.  Not knowing what to expect is exciting. 
    I have seen people use popsicle sticks with a workout on it.  They have 20-30 different sticks and just randomly pull out 5 stick each workout.  There is also the FitDeck that you can buy on, which is similar to the popsicle sticks but is like a deck of cards.  They are available in several platforms, such as stretching, weights, core, cardio,  and even yoga poses.  You can try something like this every day or just one day a week to break up a routine you are already in. 
  3. Grab a friend:  This will not only give you someone to keep pace with but they can also be your coach, critic and insult partner.  Push each other, criticize (nicely) each other and tell them they will continue to be a fatass if they don't get up and get a workout done.  Ok you don't really have to say that but I think you get the point.  Being held accountable for your commitment to fitness will make you more likely to follow through.  No accountability is one of the main reasons why people quit a workout.  Even if you cant find a partner, at least find a coach.
  4. Find a group activity: 
    This can be a class or even a team sport.  There are teams for volleyball and softball all over the place to join in the summer months.  There are even some indoor venues that will do things all year round.  Or find a gym and join a class.  Get several friends together and do it together.  When you commit to a class and a group, especially if you are paying for it, you will be more likely to follow through.  Back to that accountability things.  For anyone that has ever done Zumba knows it is SO much fun, but really, who wants to do that alone?!?!
  5. Change your 'tude:  Having the right attitude can make or break a workout.  Having a bad attitude about fitness will make you hate every workout, no matter what it is.  If you tell yourself that it will be fun and you will do your best, that will happen.  You have to believe that fitness can be fun.
  6. Make it non-traditional:  We, as parents, tend to do a lot of running around, chasing and playing with kids.  Believe it or not, that is exercise. 
    Taking the kids to the playground and being a kid yourself is a great way to get some exercise in and I bet you never thought about it being good for you.  So not only are you spending time with kids, creating memories, and sealing unbreakable bonds, you are also burning some calories.  So get out there and play tag, or baseball or run through the sprinklers.  Being a kid can be good for you in so many ways. 
  7. Reward yourself:   Who says that you cant get a reward for being good just like you did when you were a kid.  Set small goals for yourself on your fitness journey and reward yourself when you hit small goals.  You don't have to focus on the big picture.  Focusing on the smaller accomplishments will keep you wanting more and working toward the next reward.  As long as you avoid rewards being related to food, you can make it just about anything you want.  Get a mani/ped, take yourself to a movie, buy a new book, or new shoes.  Whatever suits you that will actually feel like a reward. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fixate Cookbook GIVEAWAY!!!

I have become a little obsessed with Autumn Calabrese lately and I was so excited to try her new cookbook that compliments the Portion Control Containers that come with many workouts now. 
 There are so many delicious recipes in it.  It definitely goes hand in hand with her new cooking show too on Beachbody On Demand.  Her brother is a personal chef and they teamed up to do this cooking show.

Well, I have an extra copy of the cookbook to giveaway to one lucky health nut.  Anyone that purchases a challenge pack in the month of September will be entered into a drawing for this awesome cookbook.  There are so many fitness programs on sale this month too, including 21 Day Fix, Cize, Country Heat, 22 Minute Hard Corp and Piyo, not name a few. 

Contact me if you are interested in a program or simply click here to be taken directly to my website. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Book Review: The Healthy Habits Revolution

I guess I am just a really cheesy person because not only do I really like to read, but I also like to read a lot of self help books.  They keep me motivated and keep me going when I feel like giving up.  Whether it is with my fitness, family, teaching or just life in general, reading these types of books brings my thoughts back into perspective and makes me realize how much I really have going for me, how much I have already accomplished in my life and how much I can still do.  I do read a lot but this one really stuck out to me as one I would like to share with everyone.  It is called The Healthy Habits Revolution: Create Better Habits in 5 Minutes a Day by Derek Doepker.

I originally started this when school started and I intended to get up earlier and workout before going to school that day.  I had a really hard time at first.  I am a morning person and work at my best early in the morning.  My brain is fresh and creative juices are flowing after sleeping.  You know when you wake up in the middle of the night and remember something random.  My brain is like that all the time and I am at my best early in the morning.  However, I am not 25 anymore and getting up early AND working out was difficult and near impossible.  The getting up early part was tough because of summer break and not being used to it.  The working out part was hard because I am getting old and cant get my body going that early in the morning.  Then I found this book and it gave me the insight I needed to solve my problem.  Changing my schedule or habits in such a drastic way literally overnight just wasn't going to work.  But changing only a small part and taking baby steps to build myself up to what I wanted could work.  So I just focused on the getting up early part.  I have kept up with that and it gets easier ever day.  I still haven't managed to work out in the morning yet.  I just don't think my body will adjust to that lifestyle again.   I literally have not done that since I was about 25 and there are too many other changes that have happened in my life and to my body to allow it to happen.  I am good working out in the afternoon as soon as I get home or at night after Michael goes to bed.  The point is that I still DOING the workouts and haven't brushed them off just because I am back in school and very busy.  I still MAKE time for it. 

Back to the book.  I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes from this book that really stood out to me.  He gave a lot of inspiration about how changing things in your life a little at a time can eventually become habit for anyone and lead to bigger things.  The overall message was not unlike The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.  I can relate a lot of this book to my healthy lifestyle and coaching but it can fit just about any positive change you want to make. 
one of my favorite books

-"The more often you feel successful, the more likely you are to do what makes you successful."  this quote just speaks about momentum.  Take losing weight for instance.  The joy you feel when you have lost a few pounds or reached a goal is addictive.  You want to have that feeling again and you will work hard toward another goal 

-"If you don't feel rewarded by doing small steps and making gradual improvements, then you'll rarely stick with something long enough to feel the accomplishment of a big payoff."  & "Focusing only on the results keeps you from achieving results by distracting you form the process.  Focusing on the process ensures you get the results and enjoy the journey along the way."  I know everyone has experienced this or knows someone who has given up on something before you reach your goal.  Going back to weight loss, most people give up on a fitness and healthy eating plan because they are seeing results fast enough and get discouraged.  They are only focusing on the finish line and aren't keeping track of all the small accomplishments along the way.  You should be proud of every accomplishment, not just when you reach the end.  Say you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 months.  Instead of focusing on just the 20 pounds, try to break it down by 5s and reward yourself for each 5 you lose.  Or be happy when your clothes start fitting better, or when you reach the end of the 1st month and you have already lost 10 or 12 pounds and you are halfway there.  Be proud of the little things too.

-"If you missed a shower one day, would you wait until the next week to start taking showers again? (Hopefully) Hell no!.  You'd go take a shower as soon as you got a chance.  Why then would it be any different with any other healthy habit you're working to develop?"  This one seems pretty self explanatory but I still like it.  Most people slip up on their diet or don't get a workout in and give up the rest of the day or the week and vow to start over again next week.  You don't need to wait until next week.  Start over that second.

- "A few ways to alter your emotional state are with physical movement, music and the clothes you wear." I cannot express how true this is for me.  I can feel like crap when I get up in the morning but taking the time to do my hair and makeup and putting on a nice outfit can make all the difference.  The same goes for movement and music.  I know experts talk about endorphins all the time and how they kick in with exercise and make you feel good.  It sounds hokey and like a plot to get people to exercise but it is a real thing.  It may not be endorphins but the act of moving or dancing makes you forget about stresses or that you had a bad day and just makes you feel good again. 

- "Saying things like "my" when referring to your healthy habit creates a stronger connection."  This one really struck a cord in me because after I thought about it, I realized how true it was.  Saying "my" workout instead of "a" workout makes it more personal and meaningful to me and I a more likely to follow through with it if I claim it. 

- "A hidden cause of sabotage is worrying about what others will think."  This is why people don't live out their dreams, or try something new or just go for what they really want in life.  If we worried as much about how to accomplish our goals instead of what others will think of us doing it, we could all be millionaires living the dream life.  There are always going to be people that will bad mouth you, or be jealous of you.  If there are people like that in your life, then maybe they shouldn't be in your life because they are holding you back.  There comes a time in all our lives when we just have to suck it up and go for it no matter who it displeases.

- "Lack of time isn't a real problem, its how you manage your priorities.  Lack of money doesn't need to stop you from taking a forward step if you are resourceful."  I LOVE this quote because this is what I preach all the time as a coach.  People say they don't have time for a workout.  No one has time, believe me.  I am just as busy as everyone else with teaching, coaching, being a mother and my wreath business.  The difference is that I MAKE time.  I make it a priority to set aside time in my day for a workout because in the long run taking care of myself is essential to taking care of everything else in my life.  I say it all the time but "I don't have time to be sick."  I have given up a lot of things in my life to get to this point but I don't consider them sacrifices because the things I gave up where pointless and had no impact on the betterment of my life.  Television is a perfect example.  I don't watch anymore, unless I catch an episode or two of Gilmore Girls while I am making a wreath.  I have leaned to hate being idle and I fill every minute of my day with something meaningful. 

- "Remember that growth is one of the six human needs, and growth requires confronting and overcoming what you're not comfortable with."  You have to get out of that comfort zone if you really want things to change.  No one can live without change and as much as it may hurt or be uncomfortable, it has to be done.  Whatever the fear, it can be overcome with the right help.  You cant keep doing the same thing every day and actually expect your life to suddenly change into the way you want it to be.  If you WANT things to change you have to MAKE them change.

-"The very outcome of you life could very well depend on the smallest seemingly inconsequential decisions you make, not on the big life-altering choices."  This is much like the message in The Compound Effect too.  Small choices can change things forever and turn into big things in the end.  In the book he used the small choice or change of doing one push up a day.  It isn't a big change but something very small.   It will get easier every time you do it and eventually you will progress and do more and more.  Small choice we make can have domino effects for the rest of our lives.  It is really up to you if you want to make small positive changes or not becuaes they can become huge positive outcomes. 

-"The Hawthorne Effect shows that we do better when we know we're being watched and reviewed by others.  So to improve your chances of success all you have to do is put yourself out there to be observed by others."  This is the premise behind our monthly challenge groups.  They provide accountability for participatns and that is the key to success.  Knowing that our challengers have to report on what they did each day, doing a workout, drinking Shakeology, makes them more likely to do it. 

I know I have put so much info in here but I hope you found it useful.  I really enjoyed this book and the message was fantastic.  Anyone can change their life into what they want it to be and it only starts with making very small changes that become habits and will eventually grow to into bigger and better things. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

12 Common Healthy Myths & the TRUTH

There are always so many conflicting views out there about exercise and weight loss.  Some things I see are just completely ridiculous while others have been around so long and are so widely misused they have almost become the truth to people.  In my experience I have come across 12 that really stand out as the most misunderstood and some that can really derail a healthy lifestyle.  So hopefully this will clear up at least a few misconceptions. 

  1. Myth: The few calories the better. Your body actually need a few more calories when you are exercising to fuel your body and keep your energy up.  Cutting calories will actually force the body to feed on fat reserves, then muscle and then it will go into starvation mode and it will begin to conserve calories and store them for later, in reality causing weight gain.  There is a healthy calorie range each person should eat when trying to gain, lose or maintain weight and it is different for each person depending on current weight and how active your lifestyle is.  Here is a link to a free caloric intake calculator to help figure out what your intake should be to lose or maintain weight.  Or you can email me and I can help you figure it out. 
  2. Myth: You can lose weight only in one area.  There is no such thing.  When a person loses weight, it is lost pretty evenly throughout the body for an overall weight loss.  However, you can tone muscle in one particular area through strength training combined with cardio.  Anyone that tries to sell you a product promising to reduce belly fat is scamming you.  You can reduce belly fat by losing weight all over and doing abdominal exercises to tone that area. 
  3. Myth: Carbs are bad.  This is partially true.  Too many carbs are bad.  The wrong type of carbs are bad such as food that have been overly processed (white flour, white pasta, white bread, sugary cereals, etc)  Unprocessed carbs and even partially processed carbs help satiate hunger and can provide a lot of fiber.  All of this helps keep you fuller long, ensuring that you may not need to eat as often.  Sticking to wheat bread and pasta, and whole grains like oats, quinoa and barley are much better for you.  These are called complex carbs and the body basically has to work harder to break them down to them through the body, so they will stay in your belly longer, keeping you full.   Even "good" carbs can be over done though.  Either way, carbs are an essential factor in helping the body perform properly
  4. Myth: Fat is bad.  Same story as carbs.  Not all fat is bad, but too much is never good and there are different types of fats.  The body actually needs some fat to perform proper functions such as providing energy, keeping the body insulated, controlling blood pressure and helping with blood clotting.  It also help maintain healthy hair and skin and helps transport the soluble vitamins A,D,E & K.  BUT, not all fats are good for you.  Good fats are found in nuts and seeds, lean meats, lean fish, some cheeses, eggs and avocados Saturated fat is the biggest cause of high cholesterol and is found in butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream and fatty meats.  These should be avoided.  Some fat is good and those that are consumed should also be done in moderation such as olive oil or soybean oils, even though they are considered "good fats".  Then there are the fats found in fried foods and processed commercial goods.  These can also raise LDL (bad cholesterol) and can make even the healthiest food high in fat when fried. 
  5. Myth: You can't lose weight when you get older. 
    It does become more difficult to lose weight as you get older because the metabolism slows down but that doesn't mean that older people can't or shouldn't workout.  Getting and staying healthy later in life can help with heart problems diabetes, joint pain and many other ailments that plague older generations.  It is also very possible for older people to start a program.  Beachbody has developed programs geared toward older people and those that have never done exercise.  They are slower paced and are focused on the areas that cause the more problems such as joints. 
  6. Myth: Fat-free or calorie-free means it is safe to eat and have as much as you want. 
    Most often these types of products are chemically processed and found in the cookie or cracker aisle, leading you to assumption that you are eating something healthy just because the words FAT-FREE or CALORIE-FREE are on the labels.  Often in order to make processed foods "free" something else is added making the product higher in calories, carbs, sugar or fat than the original version.  Do not fall for these labels, they are nothing more than a marketing tactic. 
  7. Myth: Skipping meals will help you lose weight.  I am going to refer right back to #1 here.  Skipping meals is a sure fire way to send you body into starvation mode.  Your body needs food to fuel itself and stay on track every 3-4 hours.  This keeps the metabolism going and keeps it from fluctuating.  Breakfast is especially important as your metabolism is already at its lowest after sleep and need food to start the engine again.  You should eat something within an hour of waking and eat small meals throughout the day to keep the metabolism at its highest in order to burn off the most calories.  It does sound completely backwards but eating more actually is better for you than starving. 
  8. Myth: The more you sweat the more calories you burned.  How much you sweat can have little or nothing to do with hour hard you workout.  There are many other factors involved such as current weight, room temperature, and genetics.  Some people sweat just sitting around doing nothing while other barely break a sweat running a couple miles.  Everyone sweats differently and you should never judge how hard you have worked on sweat.  If you feel like you sweat TOO much though, it could be a sign of bigger problems and you should see a doctor. 
  9. Myth: Lifting weights makes you bulk up.  Here is the science: muscles burns more calories than fat.  Muscle is also more dense and takes up less room than fat giving the impression that fat weighs less.  You not only WANT more muscle but you NEED more muscle to lose weight faster and more effectively.  Now, if you are a woman and are worried about getting that beefhead look, then you need to lift the correct weight and do the right amount of reps.  Choosing a weight that is slightly challenging and doing 3 sets of 10-15 reps will not make you bulk up.  That only happens when people lift excessive amounts of weight, consistently and even daily, to the point where they max out muscles and can barely finish reps.  However, make sure you also don't chose a weight that is too light.  Your muscle need to be challenged and if you can do more than 15 reps of any exercise and not feel a burn then you should increase the weight.  Building muscle is the only way to dynamically change your body.  You can do all the cardio you want, which is great because it will help you burn calories but you will not be able to tone, tighten and sculpt without weights.
  10. Myth: Workout more if you want to lose more weight.  Working out too much can actually do more harm to your body than good.  You may lose motivation and enthusiasm for exercising if you do it too much.  The body is supposed to produce endorphins when you exercise, giving the happy feeling or euphoria.  If you exercise too much it can actually cause fatigue, moodiness, depression, sleep problems, and frequent illnesses.  Your body is built to need so many calories a day and if you are exercising them all way, it can hurt you, and do a lot of damage to your metabolism. 
  11. Myth: Fitness requires a lot of time and sacrifice.  Time is always the #1 excuse people use for not exercising.  In reality, it isn't a lack of time to exercise but rather a lack of making exercise a priority.  Everyone has priorities in their life that they make time for and exercise ahs to be one of them or it will not make the cut.  Most people need about 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise each day.  Beachbody has developed many programs that are designed for the people that are short on time and just want to get in, get it done and get on with life.  Most programs range from 25-40 minutes.  Those that are really serious about health and fitness will carve out 30 minutes a day to exercise.  For those worried about sacrificing things to make time for fitness should also think about these priorities.  You should never put anything over family or God (in my book) but fitness should be high up on the list.  We all want to take good care of our families but if we don't do what we need to do to take care of ourselves, we will not be there in the long run to take care of others. 
  12. Myth: The scale is what matters. 
    First of all, we all carry water weight that can fluctuate up to 5lbs a day.  Your weight can literally change 5lbs in a day. Unless you ate and additional 18,000 calories in a day, odds are you didn't really gain 5lbs.  Also, lets go over the fact that muscle takes up less room than fat and you may have built muscle and lost fat, but weigh the same.  A woman that is a size 12 and weighs 165lbs could weigh the same as a woman that is a size 6 but is more muscular.  Weight does not really matter.  Pay attention to how clothes fit, or how exercises get easier each time you do them, or how you no longer crave sweets and carbs because your healthy life has knocked those habits out of you.  We call these non-scale victories and they are far more rewarding than what that scale says.

There are so many myths, I could go on all day but I hope these 12 have given you a little more insight into getting healthy.    If you have any questions about this blog or fitness in general please contact me.  Or if you are ready to begin the journey to healthy life, go to my website to chose the program best for you.  www.beachbodycoach/ljpintha 

Saturday, August 6, 2016


This isn't really going to be a bit long blog post giving you all outstanding advice.  This is me celebrating a LOT of hard work and finally announcing that I have received my Personal Trainer and Weight Los Consultant Certifications. 

I started working on them about 2 and a half months ago.  I spent a lot of time carefully reading each chapter and taking notes, as well as taking pictures and drawing diagrams.  That's the kind of person I am.  It may be overkill and unnecessary but its how I work.  I even took my laptop and notebook to Florida and Virginia on vacation to work on them in my spare time.  And I actually did work on it.  That's how dedicated I was to seeing this through and rocking the test.  Which I am proud to say I did. 

I know I'm bragging just a little but I worked really hard and am very proud of my accomplishments.  Now I just need to put them to use.  Of course I am already health and fitness coaching through Beachbody but now I can do so much more and help so many more people.  I also want to say thank you to all the people that supported me on this educational journey, especially my husband who is supportive of all my endeavors.